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  5. 3M℠ Strategic Opportunity Analysis

3M℠ Strategic Opportunity Analysis

  • 3M ID B5005024047

Provides actionable analysis across the continuum of care: the system, the clinician and the person

Creates a bridge between contracting strategy and care delivery

Builds an aligned strategic platform and creates a common language across all disciplines of healthcare delivery and financing

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  • Provides actionable analysis across the continuum of care: the system, the clinician and the person
  • Creates a bridge between contracting strategy and care delivery
  • Builds an aligned strategic platform and creates a common language across all disciplines of healthcare delivery and financing
  • Identifies the greatest opportunities for improving cost and quality based on a coherent source of factual comparative data and thoughtful analysis

The 3M Strategic Opportunity Analysis (SOA) is a comprehensive examination of health performance at the patient, clinician and system levels, which can help health plans make informed decisions and define priorities around value-based care initiatives.

The 3M SOA aims to align the executive teams within an organization around a fact-based strategy to inform decisions around partnerships, payment design, benefit design, patient programs and more. It analyzes risk-adjusted data to pinpoint specific opportunities where payers and providers can drive delivery system change.


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